
Best gantt chart project management
Best gantt chart project management

best gantt chart project management

Google Gantt Charts provide you with pretty much everything that you may need to create a lightweight, neat, and good-looking chart. The style of Google Gantt Charts is adjustable, which allows you to change the appearance of arrows marking dependencies between tasks and tracks. Google knows it well and provides you with the possibility to define the tasks that affect the project time the most. Critical path is a must-have feature for all modern Gantt charts. The grouping feature allows you to group similar tasks together. Alternatively, you can use the mode without any dependencies displayed. Using arrows, you can show dependencies between different tasks. Additionally, the tool helps to define whether a particular task is on a critical path or not. Depending on the chart configuration, this information may include the percentage of completion, duration, and resources.

best gantt chart project management best gantt chart project management

Also, you can receive some additional info when you hover over a task. This tool from Google allows displaying task duration along with the start and end dates. The list of available features is pretty basic, but you’ll get everything you need to track the state of a project divided into subtasks. React Google Charts is a wrapper that allows you to use a plethora of charts developed by Google. Such management tools are well suited for complex projects and help to ensure that no detail will escape the attention of a project manager. After that, we’ll consider those that offer dozens of features and can be a good choice for large companies. First of all, we’ll take a look at lightweight charts that provide basic functionality and can fit small companies. To make this article useful for the broadest possible public, we’ll focus on two types of Gantt charts. Today, we’d like to shed some light on a specific kind of such tools - React Gantt charts. Currently, there’s no shortage of React components of different levels of complexity. React has gained considerable popularity among both web enthusiasts and large enterprises that value high performance and reliable web applications.

Best gantt chart project management